Programs & Events

Programs and Events for the Spectrum of our Community

Autism United of Wisconsin is enthusiastic to provide a variety of quality programs, group support, individual support and events for persons of all ages on the Spectrum — as well as families, educators and care providers.

Each program, event and support opportunity is designed to fulfill a need (or needs) for the applicable audience — neurodevelopmental, social, educational, physical, emotional, skill acquisitional and yes, sometimes just plain fun.

And if you have a suggestion, we’d love to hear it.


Children’s Programs & Events

The goal of Children’s Events at Autism United of Wisconsin is to provide sensory-safe opportunities to acquire a variety of age-appropriate and valuable skills — recreation, play, socialization, imagination, creativity, pleasure and as possible, a prideful and confident sense of accomplishment.


Teen Programs & Events

Navigating the teen years as a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be confusing, challenging, frustrating, delightful, enhancing and even life-changing. Our programs will focus on the many changes every teen confronts, and hope to help Autistic teens evolve new or improved self-help, social, relational, situational and other important growth skills.


Adult Programs & Events

Autism Spectrum Disorder adults with appropriate skill sets can often find a comfortable place in everyday society to work and play. At the same time, various challenges remain that are often a source of confusion, frustration or isolation. Our Adult Events welcome these heroes with Autism to gather, share, support, encourage, enlighten and enjoy.


Family Programs & Events

A diagnosis of Autism challenges the strongest families. Our Family Events are created to inspire a sense of community, while strengthening that sense by creating a network of support, information sharing, communication, guidance, acceptance, affection and most of all, understanding. We’re all in this together.


Individual Support Programs & Events

Being the parent, sibling, grandparent or other loving care provider of an Autistic child, teen or adult can sometimes seem like being alone on an island, surrounded by a storm. That’s why we offer a variety of access points — in-person, telephone, email, individually or in a group setting — to get you to the other side of wherever you need to go.


Group Support Programs & Events

People helping people. That’s what Autism United of Wisconsin is all about. Whether you’re parents of a newly-diagnosed child, a sibling whose world is now upside down, or other troubled family members or friends, our Support Groups are your chance to connect, express honestly, find support, provide support and know that others care.


Children’s Programs & Events

The goal of Children’s Events at Autism United of Wisconsin is to provide sensory-safe opportunities to acquire a variety of age-appropriate and valuable skills — recreation, play, socialization, imagination, creativity, pleasure and as possible, a prideful and confident sense of accomplishment.


Teen Programs & Events

Navigating the teen years as a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be confusing, challenging, frustrating, delightful, enhancing and even life-changing. Our programs will focus on the many changes every teen confronts, and hope to help Autistic teens evolve new or improved self-help, social, relational, situational and other important growth skills.

Care Providers & Educators

Not everyone’s an Autism expert — and even if you have experience as a care provider or a teacher of Autistic children or teens, our programs offer introductory seminars, provide the latest information on ASD, and serve as an open and welcoming forum for more effective, proactive education and care via insights, strategies and tactics.
View our offerings here.

Vaccine Education Initiative

Autism United of Wisconsin believes that increasing vaccine access is a crucial step towards improving the lives of people with Autism. The Vaccine Education Initiative aims to increase community collaborations and long-lasting partnerships to increase health access and promote healthy equity.

Learn More Here

Safe and Sound

Autism United of Wisconsin’s Safe & Sound Program is designed to foster safer interactions between first responders and the Autism community. We’re dedicated to collaborating with our state’s local emergency response agencies to provide Autistic behavioral training with the goal: improving outcomes and reducing misunderstandings between Autistic persons and law enforcement officers, firefighters and paramedics.

Learn More Here