Frequently Asked Questions

On February 5, 2025, the sun will set on our affiliation with the Autism Society of America. While we’ve had a long and generally productive relationship with ASA that spans almost 50 years, the past 18 months have seen our desires and goals to drive clarity in the state and reach wider audiences often frustrated by the local affiliates and the national organization.
Nothing! We will continue to be YOUR resource for autism programs, services, and supports in Southeastern Wisconsin.
No! We will continue to provide all the programs, services, and supports you have come to know us for. We represent the communities we serve so our Spanish supports, training programs, and everything we offer is continuing.
Your donation still stays with our organization and will be used to continue to provide programs, services, and support to your autism community.
Yes! Our new name has been filed with WI DFI and our contracts are still approved. Our EIN# is not changing nor is our approved status. We have filed Form 104 with the State Of Wisconsin and made an Amendment to our Articles of Incorporation.
The Autism Society of America determined our desires to expand our programs, services, and supports to our autism community did not align with their vision of Autism Society affiliates in the state of Wisconsin. Therefore, the Autism Society of America chose to disaffiliate our organization. Changing our name allows our organization to continue to provide all the amazing programs, services, and supports, albeit under a new name.
We will no longer be limited by arbitrary geographical borders and will be able to serve the entire state of Wisconsin.
Yes! Visit us at or for more information.
Yes! Please stop by to see us!
Yes! Hours and support are not changing. Please call us at 414-988-1260 (English/General helpline) and 414-988-1273 (Spanish helpline)! We are happy to help!
Please call our help line at 414-988-1260 or email and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have or direct you to the appropriate individual to help.