Education Committee

Rosemary Gardner
Lakeland School (Retired)
Rosemary Gardner recently retired as Curriculum Director for Lakeland School of Walworth County. She holds BSE and MSE degrees in Special Education from UW-Whitewater and an MSE in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from UW Madison. As a teacher, administrator, and member of state, national, and international special education organizations, Rosemary spent her thirty-five-year career advocating for children. Her search for current and valid research, reliable resources, and impactful Autism programs was enhanced through her connections with Autism United of Wisconsin.

Julie Arens
Racine Unified School District (Retired)
Julie Arens is a recently retired Racine Unified School District educator. Her educational positions included Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Districtwide Autism Support Teacher, and Program Support Teacher/Diagnostician. Julie has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Education from UW-Whitewater. She has served on Autism United of Wisconsin Board of Directors and the Education Committee for 17 years.

Jennifer Lemke Pawlak
Private Practice – RDI, Parent Coaching, Educational Advocacy
Jennifer Lemke-Pawlak is an RDI® certified consultant and parent coach who specializes in assisting families of children with learning and attention differences. She is also the parent of three children with various disabilities (two who are on the Autism Spectrum). As both a former classroom teacher and a parent of children with disabilities, she loves to support parents and school teams to help kids get the support that they need to grow and thrive at school.

Peggy Schofield
Kenosha Unified School District (Retired)
Peggy worked for 20+ years in education; as a general education teacher, special education teacher, support teacher and Coordinator of Special Education. Before working in education, she worked as an Independent Living Coordinator and a supervisor in a residential program for adults with disabilities. She is the mother of two and grandmother of two, thoroughly enjoying spending time with them, even when it is online. Peggy likes to learn from all those around her and believes strongly that everyone has something important to contribute to the world.

Katie Berg
Supporting Neurodiverse Students Professional Learning System
Katie has been supporting students for more than 20 years. In the private sector, public education, and statewide through an IDEA Discretionary Grant her experiences include providing one on one therapy, classroom teaching, administration, technical assistance, coaching, along with district and statewide training. Katie has experience working with unique neurodiverse learners focusing on the Social and Emotional Learning skills that help students and educators support behaviors that are challenging to adults.
Lucetta Adams
Milwaukee Public Schools
Kimarie Bruessel
Waukesha School District
Kate Campana
Wauwatosa School District
Jessica Hollow
Racine Unified School District
Afrika Hughes
Milwaukee Public Schools
Jessi Lowney
Kenosha Unified School District
Mary McMullen
Autism Specialist: Private Practice
Cheryl Moseley
Milwaukee Public Schools
Lisa Vega
New Berlin Schools